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Can The Dog Calming Code Really Stop Dog Aggression?

my dog luna
Hi, I’m Kaitlin Lawrence, and this is my sweetheart Luna…

If you’re reading this blog post, then chances are you’re at the end of your rope with your dog’s aggression problem.

Maybe you’ve spent thousands on private dog training or obedience classes. Or maybe you’ve wasted hours frantically searching online for an answer to your problems and come up short.

I get it… I really do…

In fact, I speak from personal experience when I say that I know how it feels to be overwhelmed with conflicting information when it comes to training your dog.

I’ve been there, done that, and got the T-shirt to prove it.

I hate to admit it, but things got so bad for me that at one point, I even considered rehoming my dog Luna for fear of her attacking another dog.

However, despite all my fears, frustrations, and setback, I was quickly able to get Luna on the path to success and take back control of my home, my life, and, more importantly… My SANITY.

And I owe it all to Doggy Dan and his No Nonsense training program, “The Dog Calming Code.”

Click Here To Discover How The Dog Calming Code Can Solve ALL Of Your Doggy Problems… Almost Overnight!

So What Is The Dog Calming Code?

In a nutshell, the dog calming code focuses on one key principle…

…”Winning your dog’s mind first”

See, dogs come in all shapes and sizes.

Some are naturally mild-mannered and calm…

…Some can be a little overbearing at times.

…And some are just downright Crazy with a capital “C”

But the one thing they all have in common is they respect the pack leader.

Now, if you’re one of the lucky few, your dog may already see you as the pack leader.

Other times, it may take a little time and effort to steer them in the right direction.

And if you’re one of the very unlucky ones (as I was), getting your dog to calm down is about as easy as getting a toddler to take a nap after 6 cans of Redbull.

But no matter what your situation, getting your dog on the path to success will always come down to the same thing…

…Winning their mind.

Flashback to when I was at the end of my rope with Luna.

It was one of the most stressful times of my life.

And here’s the thing…

It wasn’t that I was applying the wrong training techniques to her routine.

It was because I was missing the most important step of winning her mind first.

Once I understood how to win Luna’s mind, everything instantly fell into place.

It’s also why it is a HUGE MISTAKE to train your dog without applying this one key principle.

Click Here To Check Out The Dog Calming Code And Discover The #1 Secret To Winning Your Dog’s Mind… In Just Minutes A Day!

Is It Really That Simple?

Short answer… Yes.

For less than the price of a steak dinner, I was given the tools I needed to apply invaluable training techniques that would last a lifetime.

But before you get excited… The dog calming code isn’t for everyone.

It’s designed for those who want an EASIER way to train their dog…

…But it’s not a magic bullet.

If you’re looking for a sit-back and do NOTHING system… this isn’t it.

You are at least required to take action on what you learn inside the program.

Do nothing, get nothing. That’s the bottom line.

Click Here To Get The Dog Calming Code At A HUGE 70% Discount…

What Others Are Saying About The Dog Calming Code

I recently purchased the Dog Calming Code and have been practicing implementing the techniques with my 5 month old puppy.

I’m a first-time dog owner so I have a lot to learn!

I love the approach Doggy Dan takes and his instructional videos make it easy to follow.

The calming effect works both ways, the better informed I become, the more calm and confident I can be like my dog’s leader!

Chloe D.


Following Doggy Dan’s 5 Golden Rules has changed our lives for the better. Our 2 dogs are calmer, happier, and enjoying life — so much more now, they aren’t fighting to be Alpha dogs.

Our youngest was chasing cars, terrified of people when out walking, and generally very stressed. Now, she is a pleasure to walk not reactive at all. She enjoys her time on the lead.

Highly recommend Doggy Dan Training to all!

Lisa C.


I purchased The Dog Calming Code because I was at wit’s end with my dog’s constant barking, all day and night.

Within 1 week of following The 5 Golden Rules, my dog is barking 90% less and is much calmer.

We still have a long way to go but I now have hope and tools to work with him that actually work.

Thank you, Doggy Dan.

Summer H.


The key is keeping myself calm. And putting in practice a really new approach: avoid talking much with your dog.

If possible use body language instead of words. This has calmed my nervous German Shepherd in only 2 days.

Elena R.


I was reticent about purchasing Dan’s Dog Calming Code.

Luna really is a sweetheart and loves loves loves people. And she runs up to greet them and jumps as high as she can to say hello.

And, when they visited and sat down, she jumped for joy right into their laps.

Nothing that I tried seemed to work. So, I finally purchased the Dog Calming Code to be able to work with Luna.

What a difference!

It took Luna and me a while to retrain ourselves, but Luna is now much calmer around people, and she literally sits and waits to be invited up on someone’s lap or even up on the sofa.

So much more pleasant than yelling “stop jumping”.

A great choice!

Sunny R.

Click Here To Check Out The Dog Calming Code And Become The Next Success Story

Is The Dog Calming Code Worth It?

If you’re looking for an effective program without spending thousands on dog training, then the dog calming code might just be what you’re looking for.

Not only will this program help your dog remain calm and in control. It’ll also teach them to become highly responsive and obedient while reducing their natural aggressive tendencies.

While it won’t do all the hard work for you, I guarantee that if you check out the program and apply the training Dan recommends to your dog’s routine consistently, you’ll be well on your way to changing their behavior for the better.

Click Here To Grab A HUGE 70% Discount On The Dog Calming Code…

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