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What To Do When Your Dog Suddenly Refuses To Walk

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If you’re dog suddenly refuses to walk and you’re looking for a sure-fire way to get them moving again, then this is the most important page you’re ever going to read.

Because while dogs in most circumstances are often considered wonderful, obedient pets. There are also times when they can be a little bit, shall we say …stubborn.

But does this mean you should just give up hope and let them spend their remaining years lounging around the home watching doggy Netflix?

In a word… No.

See, even though dogs can behave strangely at times, it’s by no means impossible to get them moving again by applying the right training techniques.

To get things moving, start by checking out The Easy Way To An Obedient Dog from Dan Abdelnoor over at The Online Dog Trainer (see video below)

During the video, Dan reveals what to do, but more importantly, what NOT to do to get your dog up and moving again.

Watch the video below, but more importantly, apply training techniques Dan recommends into your dog’s routine consistently, and they’ll be up and about before you can utter the word ‘walkies’.

Here’s the link again to take a look: Click Here To Check Out The Easy Way To An Obedient Dog And Discover How To Finally Get Your Dog Walking Again… Even If You’ve Tried & Failed Before!

(video will open in a new window)

the online dog trainer video

What To Do When Your Dog Suddenly Refuses To Walk

#1 – Refusing To Leave The House For A Walk

If your dog is refusing to leave the house and you’ve already ruled out any health issues, then it will more than likely come down to some sort of change of environment.

So what I want you to do is take a minute and really think if there have been any changes in your life or your dog’s life that could be having a negative impact on his desire to go for a walk.

This can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint so I’ll give you a rundown of possibilities below…

Someone New In Your Life

Do you have a new partner, a new baby, a new pet?

Any of these people no matter how insignificant they may be to your dog could be having an impact on the way your dog acts.

Think about it…

Your dog may only be a small part of your life but to him, you are his whole world. And it’s perfectly possible that that from his point of view, any attention your showing another could be time spent with him.

Have You Changed Walking Route

How you changed your regular walking route.

It may sound silly but sometimes the smallest little things can bother dogs.

Maybe there’s a certain road that they don’t like or maybe their new walking route is too busy and makes them feel anxious.

New Leash

Have you recently bought a new leash?

If so then there’s a chance your dog doesn’t like it.

It might be uncomfortable or maybe it’s too loose or too tight.

If this is the case then try switching back to see if it resolves the problem.

How Often Do You Go Out?

If your dog has become less inclined to go out over the previous weeks, months, years. It’s possible he has become fearful or anxious at the possibility of being out in the open and/or socializing.

Slowly desensitizing your dog to take more regular trips out is a great way to combat this.

Start slow, maybe just by walking to the end of the garden or street. And slowly but surely increase the duration and the frequency of your walks to see if you notice a difference.

dog refusing to walk

#2 – Stopping Mid-Walk

So number two on our list of why your dog suddenly refuses to walk were going to take a look at why your dog might stop mid-walk.

And again, make sure you rule out any pain-related problems such as arthritis, age, or illness. As it’s perfectly possible that your dog is stopping mid-walk due to age or pain-related factors.

So here’s a list of the possible causes…


We tend to forget that as your dog ages their abilities and fitness levels slowly start to dwindle.

Just like you and me, dogs can’t do the things they once did when they were young and playful pups. So it could explain the reason for the sudden halt.

Are you walking too quickly or are you simply dragging out the walkway longer than it should be.

If so then it may be time to re-evaluate both your walking pace and your distance.


It’s often overlooked, but a hot sunny day will wear your dog down pretty quickly.

If your dog suddenly refuses to walk in the blazing heat then the culprit will almost always be dehydration and overexertion


Make sure your dog is well hydrated well before you set off on your journey.

Bring extra water and a bowl and if possible stick to a shaded route so he doesn’t feel the constant heat bearing down on him.

Has Something Happened

Did something happen previously when you went out for a walk?

Was he scared or anxious about something new?

Were there any changes to your walking route?

Think really hard as the slightest thing, no matter how tiny could have a catastrophic effect on your dogs’ wellbeing.

It’s easy to look past certain things just because you don’t find them intimidating or scary. But even something as small as passing by a cat sitting on a garden wall could be all it takes to change your dog’s outlook on his daily walk.

Especially if he’s scared of them.


Never rule out that your dog may have just become a lazy SOB over time.

If for any reason your dog thinks that he is in charge, he will usually do as he pleases because he thinks that he is the pack leader.

You need to remember that you are the alpha dog and what you say goes.

Is Age Stopping Your Dog Walking?

You need to understand that this problem could quite easily be age-related.

If your dog is no longer the lively lovable bundle of joy he once was then you seriously need to consider the effects that aging has on your dog.

Arthritis, sickness, and even general movement can become quite painful as your dog ages.

So before you do anything else, I highly recommend you take your dog for a checkup to rule out any of the above.

If no problems become apparent then it’s time to dig a little deeper into our investigation.

WATCH VIDEO: Discover How To Transform Your Dog Behavior And Finally Get Your Dog To Walk Again… Without Spending Hours Training Them Or Thousands Of Dollars!

(video will open in a new window)

the online dog trainer video

My Dog Suddenly Refuses To Walk – Solving The Problem

So now we’ve covered the possible causes, let’s get down to finding a solution to when your dog suddenly refuses to walk.

Here we go…

Treat Training

Depending on how stubborn your dog is this method can either work for or against you.

Treat training has been around since the dawn of time but the concept remains the same.

Simply treat your dog for any positive behavior he demonstrates and he’ll soon develop a positive association with the particular problem you’re trying to solve.

Applying this to walking your dog simply involves rewarding him when he starts moving.

Be warned though because if you mess up the timing with this one it can often lead your dog to develop a positive association with sitting down rather than walking so your timing needs to be on perfect.

Whatever you do, don’t treat your dog for any slight or minor movements as he’ll soon realize that this is all he has to do to get rewarded.

Dogs are smart like that.

No, treats can only be given when your dog is in full swing.

He’ll soon realize that no movement equals no treat and adjust his attitude accordingly to get what he wants.

In time you can begin to reduce treats until eventually, he walks needs prompting.

Distractions Can Work!

The art of distraction should never be underestimated under any circumstances.



Something as simple as giving them a ball or stick to hold can work miracles especially if your dog becomes fearful or anxious during his regular walks.

If your dog tends to stop at random intervals at any time or place this can be a great way of getting them moving again.

Simply give them something to hold while they’re walking and whenever they stop, take it away.

It can take several attempts but they’ll soon understand that in order to keep hold of their precious object, they need to keep moving.


When was the last time you truly faced up to your fears?

I mean, if you’re afraid of heights you’re not going to be bungee jumping off a cliff anytime soon are you?

Dogs are no different.

If there’s something out there that makes them uncomfortable or scared then you can’t possibly expect them to just get over it.

Things take time which is why desensitization is a key part of removing fear/anxiety your dog may show when it’s time for walkies.

A great way to combat this is to change the time of your walks.

Early morning or late evening is a perfect time to go for a nice relaxed walk as there is far less distraction around.

The lack of cars, people, and other dogs will create the perfect environment for your dog to take a walk down the street. So I highly recommend you take advantage of this as there’s a small chance it could solve the problem.

Start slowly by taking them out for no more than 5 minutes.

Then with each day that passes slowly increase the time of your walks until your dog becomes used to his new routine.

Now, this may not work for every dog but you’d be surprised at how little subtle changes like this can have a massive effect on how your dog reacts when you’re out of the house.

Final Thoughts

Like many things, timing and consistency are key to solving any problem no matter how small.

By taking small baby steps and consistently working with your dog to work through their problems is essential for not only their well being but also yours.

So remember…

  • Identify the problem
  • Work with your dog to solve the problem
  • And above all, be patient and consistent

If you follow these 3 rules then I guarantee that before too long you will find a solution and if all else fails…

WATCH VIDEO: Click Here To Discover How To Transform Your Dog Behavior And Finally Get Your Dog To Walk Again… Without Spending Hours Training Them Or Thousands Of Dollars!

(video will open in a new window)

the online dog trainer video

Do you have any thoughts on why your dog suddenly refuses to walk? Let me know in the comments below…

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