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How To Potty Train A Dachshund – The Quick & Easy Way

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how to potty train a dachshund

Learning how to potty train a Dachshund comes with its fair share of challenges. 

Having said that, potty training ANY dog or puppy can quickly turn into an inescapable nightmare without the right tools and guidance.

So knowing where to begin can be difficult, especially if it’s your first attempt at potty training your beloved pooch.

No doubt you’ll have questions like…

  • How long will it take?
  • How do I know when my Dachshund needs to go?

But more importantly, how do I avoid indoor accidents so I don’t spend the rest of my days mopping up the floor?

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. And if you stick with me and take on board the following tips and techniques, I have no doubt that you’ll be a potty training pro in no time.

Now, before we get into the do’s and don’t of potty training your adorable Dachie, first a quick heads up.

While the information below is a great way to kickstart your potty training journey. Getting help from as many sources as possible is a sure-fire way to guarantee potty training success.

So before you do anything else, I’d highly recommend taking a few minutes to check out the Potty Training Made Easy Course from Dan Abdelnoor over at The Online Dog Trainer. (see video below)

To give you a little more insight, this free training course is just a very small part of an extensive video-based membership site Dan runs called The Online Dog Trainer.

And while it’s not an overnight fix for getting your Dachie fully potty trained. I think you’ll be surprised at how much easier the process becomes when implementing what Dan teaches in this short, unique course.

Anyway, here’ the video link to take a look: Potty Training Made Easy – Get Your Dachshund Fully Potty Trained The Quick & Easy Way…

(video will open in a new window)

the online dog trainer

 Are Dachshunds Hard To Potty Train?

Although they’re incredibly loyal and friendly companions, Dachshunds can also be fairly stubborn. Meaning there can be times when you’ll want to pull your hair out in frustration.

See, Dachshunds were initially bred as hunting dogs, specifically to follow scents and chase badgers through fields and wooded areas. 

And because of this, they were raised to think independently and follow their nose, which is ultimately where they get a lot of their stubbornness from! 

They are also incredibly intelligent dogs, as many hunting breeds are. But together with their independent streak, this can still make it a little challenging to get them to do what they’re told, particularly in the early stages! 

However, don’t panic just yet. Because while Dachshunds can often be difficult to train. The reality is with a little bit of patience and persistence (and a few prayers thrown in for good measure). It’s by no means impossible to get them peeing like a champ in the place of your choosing.

But to make sure you’re prepared, have a quick read of the following to better understand some of the challenges you may face along the way…

They don’t like bad weather

If you’re potty training your Dachshund in the winter, you may well encounter some additional hurdles to overcome. 

For starters, they don’t like being outside when it’s cold and wet. This is partly due to their bodies being so close to the ground, so they tend to feel the effects of the cold a little more than taller breeds.

To combat this, do your best to provide them with an outdoor covered pottying area whenever possible.

They become irritable when pushed too far

Because Dachshunds can be stubborn little dogs, which can make them highly irritable if pushed them too far.

If you can, try and keep potty training sessions short and sweet. And whatever you do, don’t punish or scold them if the occasional accident happens. (and they will happen)

They love to dig holes and tunnels

Most dogs tend to take their time exploring their surroundings before getting down to business (i.e. going to the bathroom). And Dachshunds are no exception to the rule.

But to make matters worse, they’re also huge fans of digging, so don’t be surprised if you find them digging up your newly planted flower bed instead of popping a squat and doing the deed.

A great way to get around this problem is to simply keep them leash when they’re out in the yard.

Try to keep the lead long enough to give them a little room to explore their nearby surrounding, but short enough so you can still keep an eye on them.

The last thing you want is your Dachie attempting to make a break for it by digging a new hole into the neighbors’ yard.

Now, although it might seem like we’ve just spent this entire section giving Dachshunds a hard time! It’s important to note that despite this, they’re extremely loyal and loving pets.

To add to this, they only require moderate exercise, so they’re an ideal companion if you don’t fancy long, sprawling walks multiple times a day.

Again, if you need a little more detail into the important elements that make potty training quick and easy, Dan over at the Online Dog Trainer shares some expert insights in the Potty Training Made Easy Course. 

As well as sharing tips about your mindset as a trainer, he also gives you some easy-to-follow techniques that’ll make potty training your Dachie a breeze.

So if you haven’t checked it out yet, now would be the time.

Related Post: Why Is My Dog Digging Holes All Of A Sudden? – Stop Unwanted Digging!

how to potty train a dachshund

How To Potty Train A Dachshund

As with all new things, potty training isn’t a simple process, so don’t expect results overnight.

However, with patience, persistence, and an effective plan of action, nothing is impossible, so long as you stick with it.

Create a routine

Dachie’s thrive on routine, take them out of it, and you’ll soon find yourself with more problems than you can handle.

The good news is that it’s not rocket science to pick up on the subtle habits you Dachshund display whenever they need to go.

If you spot any of the following…

  • Pacing
  • Sniffing the floor
  • Attempting to sneak off to a different room in the house
  • Scratching at the door

These are all clear signs that your Dachie may need to head outside to relieve themselves.

In addition to this, you should always take them out…

  • Directly after a nap (or after being in their crate)
  • Around 30 minutes after mealtime
  • When they wake up first thing in the morning
  • Before bedtime

If you can learn to create a routine around your Dachshund’s already existing habits, it makes the whole process a lot easier to manage. 

The added benefit is you end up avoiding your Dachie turning your carpets a darker shade of yellow.

If you’re dealing with a pup, a general rule of thumb to remember is that puppies can only hold their bladder for a maximum of one hour compared to their age in months.

So, for instance, if your cute little Dachie is only 2 months old. They’ll only be able to hold it for two hours at the most before they ready need to go.

Provide positive reinforcement

Although they can be stubborn, Dachshunds will respond equally well to positive reinforcement as any other dog breed.

Better still, the process is relatively straightforward and involves simply praising the good… while ignoring the bad.

For instance, using both praise and rewards whenever your Dachie relieves themself in their designated spot (more in this in a minute) is a huge motivator. 

And when used consistently, they’ll eventually start to put the pieces of the puzzle together and realize that going to the potty in the right location equals good things happening.

On the flip side, don’t go doing the opposite when your Dachie has a little mishap. Again accidents will happen, and there’s very little you can do about it.

Don’t scold, don’t punish… don’t even acknowledge the behavior if you can help it.

Just move on and keep focusing on the positive, and eventually, they’ll start to get the message.

When coupled with a consistent routine, positive reinforcement is incredibly effective when it comes to potty training your Dachshund, so stick with it because it’s a vital part of the process. 

dog on grass

Pick out a designated spot

When picking out a designated spot for your Dachie, think long and hard about the ideal location before committing to anything solid.

Remember, Dachshunds don’t like cold and wet weather. So if possible (and during the winter months), do your best to provide an area that’s both close to home and sheltered to give them every opportunity to do what’s needed.

Also, it’s not uncommon for Dachie’s (or any dog for that matter) to get lost in the excitement of roaming the backyard or deciding it’s simply too cold to sniff out a spot to do their business at that particular time.

This ultimately spells a recipe for disaster and often leads to your Dachie attempting to find a nice warm spot indoors to do the dastardly deed instead.

The kitchen floor …that expensive new rug…

…Even your nice clean bedsheet are fair game if your Dachshund deems it to be so.

Again, a little bit of shelter such as a canopy or even a shady tree that blocks out the wind and rain can have a huge impact on their willingness to go outside. 

Oh, and one more thing…

When you’ve chosen a designated potty-training area, don’t change it. 

Dachshunds thrive on routine, and they’ll quickly become familiar with the scents of the specific area they’ve chosen as their pee patch.

However, if you keep changing it, they’ll get confused. This can lead to serious setbacks or, worse still, make your Dachie think that anything and everything is fair game when it comes to popping a squat.

Consider crate training

If you’ve never considered crate training as an effective way to potty train your Dachie, now would be the time.

For most dogs, crate training can be a highly effective method of potty training. The main reason being is that dogs instinctively don’t like to pee or poop where they sleep.

This is beneficial for two reasons…

Firstly, it teaches your dog bladder control. Which can often be a huge weight off of some owner’s minds if your Dachie tends to persistently badger you to let them out into the backyard every 5 minutes.

And second, it helps create a consistent routine, which we’ve already discussed, is a huge bonus when it comes to scheduling regular potty breaks.

However, if you do plan on introducing a crate to your potty-training regime, consider the following: 

  • Make the crate comfortable and appealing by placing soft blankets and toys inside. If your Dachshund is afraid of the crate, they won’t want to enter. 
  • Consider leaving the crate open at first when you’re close by so they don’t get scared easily. Shutting them inside and walking away could cause unnecessary anxiety. 
  • Make sure you take your Dachshund outside as soon as they leave the create. Again, this coincides with creating a routine.

 When done right, crate training can be incredibly effective when it comes to potty training. And when paired with the advice above (and the Potty Training Made Easy Course), you’ll be well on your way to getting your Dachie fully potty trained in no time at all.

cute puppy sitting

Wrapping Things Up

Although Dachshunds aren’t the easiest breed of dog to potty train, with patience and persistence, results will soon follow.

But remember, nothing happens overnight; stay the course. And whatever you do, don’t lose your temper or scold your Dachie, as this can potentially set you back weeks (even months) while destroying all of their hard-earned confidence in the process.

I think the take-home message here is that nothing happens overnight, and accidents are bound to happen on occasion. 

But stick with it, and you’ll have the desired results you want a lot sooner than you think. 

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