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How To Stop A Border Collie Biting – The Quick & Easy Way

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If you’re looking for a sure-fire way to stop your Border Collie biting then this is the most important page you’re ever going to read.

Because while biting is one of the last things you’d expect from this seemingly harmless breed, the truth is that no dog is immune from displaying unwanted behavior under the right circumstances.

But does this mean you’re destined to live with a dog that loves nothing more than to bite at every opportunity?

In a word, No!

You also have to understand that mouthing, nipping, and yes, even the occasional bite is a completely normal part of doggy behavior.

It’s ultimately how they explore different tastes, textures, and get a general sense of the world around them.

So the idea here isn’t to necessarily stop biting completely. It’s more about finding the right balance between what is and isn’t acceptable while teaching your Border Collie a little bit of bite inhibition along the way.

So what can you do?

Well, you’ll often find that some dogs tend to bite more than others. And this is particularly based on their instincts and breed-specific traits.

As a Border Collie owner, you may already know that they were bred to be herding dogs. Which meant they’d regularly spend their days nipping at the heels of sheep as part of their job.

The problem, however, is stopping this natural instinct to bite when the occasion doesn’t call for it.

Because while the odd nip here might be relatively harmless, a hard bite from a mature adult dog can paint a completely different picture. 

Now, preventing problematic behavior like biting can quickly become challenging if you don’t have the know-how to address it correctly.

And this is why before you do anything else, I’d highly recommend taking a look at the short video below from Dan Abdelnoor (aka Doggy Dan) over at The Online Dog Trainer.

During the video, Dan talks specifically about why teaching your dog how to remain calm and in control of their emotions is the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to dealing with undesirable behavior. Before going on to reveal a simple, highly powerful calming technique that will reduce their natural impulse to bite.

Not only will you find this video helpful if you want to stop your Border Collie biting. It’s also a great resource for any other unwanted behavior you want to eliminate.

Anyway, here’s the video link to take a look: Click Here To Discover How To Finally Stop Your Border Collies Scary, Aggressive Biting Habit Using A Few Simple Exercises That Take Just Minutes A Day To Implement… Even If You’ve Tried & Failed Before!

(video will open in a new window)

the online dog trainer aggression video

Why Is My Border Collie Biting?

Now, although nipping and biting is a typical behavior in puppies (after all, puppies explore the world with their mouth). It becomes a different story when an adult dog decides to sink their teeth in.

So regardless of age, it’s safe to say that biting is a behavioral trait you need to nip in the bud sooner rather than later.

Again, while this is an entirely normal stage in a puppy’s development, it can still be irksome (not to mention painful) as they start to reach adolescence. 

And if you’re unlucky, it could also quickly escalate towards a dangerous biting habit that goes way beyond the realm of regular play.

Let me be clear here. All biting behaviors must be addressed accordingly. It doesn’t matter if they come from puppies or a full-sized adult dog.

So the next step on the road to recovery is to figure out why they bite, so you can ultimately come up with the correct behavioral modification technique to get it under control.

Let’s take a look at some of the more common reasons below…

It’s In Their Genes

Being the natural herding dogs that they are, Border Collies are more prone to being attracted to moving targets than stationary ones. 

In addition to this, they also have boundless stamina and energy (after all, it comes with the job), which can often make the severity of their bite a little more unpredictable.

You need to remember that herding was a very physically demanding activity that involves being alert and ready to act anytime.

And while it’s rarely needed in this day and age, these behavioral traits still lay dormant and can present themselves at any time.

They’re Possessive

Possessive issues can be quite frequent in dogs that have had little or no socialization. Having said that, no dog is immune from becoming highly possessive under the right circumstances.

But being herding dogs, Border Collies were known for being loyal to just one master and nobody else. So the likelihood of them becoming increasingly attached to that one person would usually increase tenfold.

This can often present a problem with Border Collies who weren’t properly socialized as a pup. 

Because while it can seem innocent enough that your dog loves only you. It can often cause them to see you as ‘their possession.’ Which can unintentionally make them act out around others they aren’t familiar with.

They Lack Social Skills

Just like humans, not all Border Collies are going to enjoy the company of other dogs or people.

Again, this kind of relates back to their undying loyalty to their one true master. But it can just as easily be because they lack basic social skills.

This can often get worse with age as the herding instinct becomes more prominent in their behavioral patterns. And worse still, it can sometimes get them into serious trouble, especially if they mess with the wrong dog.

They’re Fearful Or Anxious

You wouldn’t immediately think a fearful or anxious dog would be prone to biting. But in fact, quite the opposite is true.

This particular behavior relates to the natural fight or flight response that all dogs possess. And even though it might be their last line of defense, make no mistake that a dog with no other option than to attack will do just that.

This is where the Dog Calming Code plays a powerful role in getting your dog to remain calm and in control of their emotion.

So if you haven’t done so already, watch the video, but more importantly, follow through with what Dan teaches in the training.

If you do, I have no doubt that you’ll see a marked improvement in your Border Collies behavior for the better.

Related Post: How To Calm An Aggressive Border Collie – The Quick & Easy Way

aggressive border collie biting

How To Stop Your Border Collie Biting

Let me just start by saying that if your Border Collie is snapping, growling, biting, or displaying any signs of aggression, it’s not the end of the world.

It is important, however, to consider the various reasons behind their biting habit so you can put measures in place to limit it.

But before we do, let me just clear something up… 

The idea isn’t to stop your dog from biting altogether. That’s like trying to stop a toddler from flailing their arms.

And truth be told, there are certain circumstances when your dog’s natural biting instinct could be a lifesaver. (for instance, if they were being attacked by another dog or to ward off an intruder)

The focus here is to work on eliminating the root cause behind unnecessary and unpredictable biting. So you don’t have to constantly worry about random acts of aggression on your dog’s part.

So before moving on, ask yourself the following:

  • What are the common triggers that usually cause your border collie to bite?
  • Do they bite when they’re around specific people or other animals?
  • What’s their body language like before they bite? (anxious, dominant, overexcited)
  • Do they bite at specific times of the day or in specific locations? (for instance, in the kitchen at mealtimes or when they’re overtired before bedtime)

It might sound tedious to consider all of the above. But if you can take a step back and actually pick out something specific that’s causing your BC to bite. You’ll effectively be in a much better position to put measures in place to stop it from happening over and over again.

In addition to this, consider the following…

Avoid Too Much Overexcitement

It might sound a little harsh to tell you to avoid too much fun, but the reality is that playtime is simply one of those things that tend to get out of hand if we let it.

And it doesn’t matter if a dog is 8 months old or 8 years old. A hyped-up unpredictable dog is almost always going to be a recipe for disaster if you let them run riot.

Now, being the energic bundles of joy that they are, Border Collies aren’t exempt from becoming a little high-rate. Especially if they’ve got free roam of a spacious outdoor area like a local dog park.

So just keep this in mind if you start to notice them getting into too much mischief around others.

To counter this, popping the leash back on for 5 to 10 minutes and sitting calmly is a great way to help you Border Collie dial things down a little and regain some control.

A quick technique I like to use sometimes is to take a very gentle grip on your dog’s collar directly under their chin to bring their emotions down a little.

It sounds ridiculously simple, I know, but it’s highly effective at getting your dog to relax. It’s also something that Dan discusses in great detail in a few of his videos over inside The Dog Calming Code.

Never Punish

To the 99% of people reading this, I probably don’t need to tell you that punishing your dog will ultimately get you nowhere.

Having said that, there are still a select few people who feel that yelling, scolding, or worse still, hitting their dog is the ideal solution to get them to behave.

Just to be clear, never ever treat your dog this way. I know it can be difficult to refrain from giving your dog a verbal bashing, especially after they’ve just tried to sink their teeth into you.

But by doing the unthinkable and lashing out, all you’re really doing is reinforcing your dog’s aggression by adding more fuel to the fire.

The result? …your dog won’t learn that biting is wrong, and in all honestly, it’ll probably make the behavior more unpredictable.

Related Post: How To Stop A Border Collie Barking – The Quick & Easy Way

border collie running

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

It’s no secret that a tired dog is a happy dog. So making sure they get their recommended fill of daily exercise is a must if you want to keep your dog in a relaxed state.

The problem, however, is knowing how much is enough to make sure they are well and truly pooped.

Now, because Border Collies are working dogs, it probably comes as no surprise that they need a great deal of exercise to wear them out.

Although this can vary depending on the nature of your dog, I’d highly recommend giving them at least 90 minutes a day. (preferably more if you can)

This is a breed that loves to run around in wide-open spaces, so if you have a big backyard, you’d be doing yourself and your dog a favor by making use of it as often as possible.

If this isn’t an option, a local field or dog park with a lot of room to maneuver is a great alternative to get them up and about.

Don’t Forget About Mental Exercise

With so much emphasis on physical exercises, a lot of owners tend to overlook the benefits of a mentally stimulated dog.

Remember that Border Collies are highly intelligent, so giving them lots of mentally stimulating activities will only increase the likelihood of being compliant while making them less prone to acting out.

If you’re stuck for ideas, I’d recommend taking a quick look at the Brain Training For Dogs Program by Adrienne Farricelli.

Because if you’ve ever wondered how smart you Border Collie really can be, this is the program that will reveal it.

Calm Them Down

I know I’ve mentioned this already a few times during this post. But I really can’t stress enough the positive effects of teaching your Border Collie to be calm and in control of their emotions.

Because while all of the above methods will help, managing or correcting any type of behavioral issue will always require your dog to be in a calm, responsive state.

If they’re wired or hyped up, it’ll always be an uphill battle to get your dog into this relaxed state where they actually want to listen and obey.

With that said, now would be an excellent opportunity to the 5 step-by-step calming exercises into practice.

So if you haven’t done so already, hit the link above and watch the video to the very end to see how they can help.

dog with mouth open

Wrapping Things Up

At the end of the day, the odd nip here and there is forgivable. But an aggressive bite is a different story altogether and is something that needs to be worked on to abolish.

Just remember that no two dogs are the same. And each and every dog will have their own agenda and bite for different reasons.

But if you can ultimately figure out what’s causing the behavior and, more importantly, work on dealing with it effectively. You’ll be well on your way to getting to grips with your Border Collies biting issue sooner rather than later.

I think the important thing to remember here is that consistency is key. 

And I guarantee that if you follow the advice about and stick with what works, you’ll be on to a winner in no time at all.

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