If you’re looking for a sure-fire way to stop your Chow Chow barking, then you’re in the right place.
Because while most forms of barking are considered by most owners to be completely normal behavior (for instance, barking as a greeting you when you get home from work). There are other times when where it can become an overbearing nightmare.
But does this mean you should give up, throw on some earplugs, and let your dog exercises their vocal cords whenever they want?
Not exactly…
See, even though barking can be a pain in the proverbial at times, it’s actually a lot easier than you think to put an end to the noise with the right plan of action.
The first step?
Grab a free copy of “My Everyday Dog Training Tools” from Dan Abdelnoor over at The Online Dog Trainer.
Inside the book, Dan reveals what to do, but more importantly, what NOT to do to bring your Chow’s obsessive barking under control.
While this isn’t a cure-all that’s going to solve your Chow’s obsessive barking overnight. What it will do is teach them how to keep their emotions in check… A key element to putting a stop to any barking issues to rest.
Read the book, implement the quick and simple exercises Dan teaches into your dogs routine, and you’ll see a marked improvement in your dogs’ behavior before you know it.
Here’s the link to take a look: Click Here To Grab Your Free Copy Of My Everyday Dog Training Tools & Discover How To Finally Stop Your Chow Chow,s Obsessive, Annoying Barking Habit… Without Spending Hours Of Training Or Thousands Of Dollars
A majority of potential dog parents are usually interested in knowing how different breeds behave, especially when it comes to barking. That’s understandable, taking into consideration that barking can be quite a complicated problem to deal with.
With the dog breed being one of the main factors that affect barking, you might be wondering just how much Chow Chow’s bark, and if your dog is barking a lot, what you can do about that. In that case, then, this article will come in handy, so keep reading.
Why is my Chow Chow barking?
One thing that not so many Chow Chow owners know about their dogs is that this breed is innately programmed to be protective, especially of its family. Unfortunately, this protective nature can often be mistaken with them being loud and aggressive, making some Chow Chow owners feel a little uneasy.
The reality, however, is that these dogs are not that extreme when it comes to barking. They do bark, yes, but really only when certain triggers make them. As such, it’s normal to find that some Chow Chows barks more than others as a result of encountering the triggers more often.
So, what are some of the triggers that can make your dog want to bark more than you would expect them to?
You might not encounter this a lot, but a Chow Chow will bark at animals that seem strange in some way.
If, for example, you are taking a walk in the forest and your doggie sees an animal that they are not used to seeing, they will want to let you know about it. And what way is better for a dog to make that happen other than barking?
As mentioned above, Chow Chows are super protective, and especially when it comes to family members. So if your Chow sees someone that they don’t like and feel can be a threat to you, the next thing that they will do is bark to inform/warn you or even ward off the danger.
Welcoming you home
What’s better than coming home and going through the door just to be greeted by your own fluffy bear dog? Chows do, without doubt, love their family members more than they love life itself.
As such, you can expect your pooch to show love and excitement with a few ruff ruffs when you come home from the outside world.
Seeking attention
Just like other breeds, chow chows also bark whenever they want something from you, such as playing, taking a stroll, snaking, and others.
Related Post: My Dog Constantly Wants Attention – How To Stop Attention Seeking Dogs
Feeling lonely or tired
Like other pet dogs, Chow Chows are also pack animals. So chances are they don’t feel comfortable being left alone for too long. If this happens, the next thing they do to communicate their miserable situation is to bark.
Being territorial
If someone or another animal enters your Chow’s area or spot, you can expect some loud barking. The barking will get louder as the impending threat gets closer.
Separation anxiety
There are some cases where your Chow Chow might be battling with extreme separation anxiety. In such situations, they will bark a lot if left at home on their own.
This can accompany such barking with other symptoms like destructiveness, pacing, and sometimes depression.
But Aren’t Chow’s Usually Quite?
A majority of Chow Chow parents already know that their pooches don’t bark as much as other dogs do.
But what’s the secret?
There are a number of reasons why this is the case. The main lie in the genetics of these pets. Basically, the behavior that Chow Chow’s exhibit is as per the dog breeders’ intentions.
Most of the dogs that bark a lot are meant to be hunting, herding, or guarding dogs. These dogs are inclined to barking a lot because they have to communicate, either with their pack mates, other animals, or people. Chow Chows are not really that type of a breed.
Well, it is said that they were originally bred to be used as all-around dogs. They were meant to be good at doing almost everything from pulling sleds, hunting, being guard dogs, and more. With time, however, they have evolved to become household pets, which means that they have slowly let go of the behaviors connected to their more martial beginnings.
That, however, does not stop them from performing their family dog role with illustrious grace and poise. The end result is a dog that never really sees the need to bark a lot compared to other dogs. This is a breed that only barks when it’s absolutely necessary to do so.
How To Stop Your Chow Chow Barking?
Just like a majority of the behavioral challenges that dogs face, there are a couple of solutions that can come in handy if all you want is to discourage your pooch from excessive barking.
Here are the most effective…
1. Identify and remove the trigger
If your Chow is not barking at a real threat, you will want to find out what it is that is causing the barking temptations so that you can handle it.
For example, if your Chow Chow always barks when the windows are open, you can opt to shut the blinds. By taking such action, you prevent them from seeing the things that make them want to bark.
With time, they will feel motivated to become quieter. In a situation where your dog keeps on barking at one person, it could be a case of lack of trust.
The best that you can do in such a situation is to introduce them to the individual.
Once they are friends, you should encounter less barking.
2. Ignore their barking
It’s not advisable to give attention to a dog whenever they bark for it. If therefore, your Chow Chow keeps on barking to gain attention, you should choose to ignore them until they quit.
Once they quit, you can reward them with a treat to help them learn that the desirable trait is to remain calm until you readily offer the attention that they need.
3. Keep your Chow Chow tired
If your dog is exhausted as a result of psychological and physical activity, they are less likely to bark from boredom or irritation.
As such, it’s always a great idea to ensure that your Chow Chow is getting enough physical and psychological stimulation throughout the day, so that they are tired enough when the time to relax comes.
Related Post: My Dog Barks At Everything – How To Quite A Noisy Dog
4. Use a command phrase
This could be the most effective method when it comes to training your Chow Chow to remain calm.
The other training techniques depend upon this technique to some extent, and so if you are successful at using it, then you will have better control over your dog’s barking habit.
If you want, you can use a unique command phrase as long as your dog understands that it means ceasing their barking.
The most effective way to train your dog using this method is to wait for a time when they are barking. Once they have stopped, utter the command, and give them a treat to let them know that remaining quiet is the desired trait.
You ought to praise them a lot for achieving the desired habit so that they can feel the urge to repeat the habit upon being given the command.
As you advance in training, it will be possible to command the dog to stop barking while in the middle of doing it, and they should respond positively.
When dealing with a rather stubborn dog, you can tweak the command a little bit to make it more effective.
Two of the most effective ways to do so are:
- Using a squirt water bottle (most dogs don’t like the feeling of being wet)
- Using bark collars (should be used as the last resort, if your dog is unbelievably stubborn)
5. Provide distractions
There are times when your Chow Chow can bark as a result of being bored.
If you are not in a position to play with them or do something else such as train them a new command that would help them get off their boredom, you can offer them a chew toy, a treat, or anything else that can keep them busy.
6. Seek assistance from a professional
Though quite rare, there are times when your Chow Chow just won’t stop barking even after you have exhausted all the options.
If you ever find yourself in such a fix, the next solution that you can try is to seek professional assistance to solve the situation.
For instance, if your dog just started barking recently and you can’t find an obvious trigger, it might be that the trigger is something disturbing them internally.
In such a case, your dog is basically trying to alert you that they are not okay. And because we don’t tend to speak dog, they will display an abnormal behavior that you are not used to so that you can take action.
You might want to argue that almost every dog that you know becomes lethargic when they are sick, but there are those that will do the exact opposite.
They will not play around, but they will yell it out so that you can help them.
Wrapping Things Up
Chow chows are a great breed, no doubt about that. While these dogs rarely bark unless it’s necessary to do so, there are a few times when your dog might encounter some triggers that make them want to let out a few ruff ruffs.
When such a time comes, you can use the tips mentioned above to help your poochie drift into calmness.
Keep in mind that some solutions can be more effective than others, depending on the trigger behind them.
Whatever you do, avoid using any method such as yelling or anything else that might aggravate the situation.