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How To Stop A Yorkie From Barking – The Quick & Easy Way

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yorkie laying on grass

If you want to learn how to stop a Yorkie from barking, then you’re not alone.

Because small though they are, these little pooches have big voices. Big voices, powerful lungs, and a habit of using them whenever and wherever they can.

And obviously, that gets a bit annoying after a while.

If your dog barks at an intruder or to let you know something’s wrong, that’s fine.

But when they bark to let you know a leaf just fell off the tree; a baby in the next apartment just gurgled; or that they’ve just had a dream about rainbows, that’s not so great. If they’re barking at every stranger, dog, mailman, and alley cat they meet, that’s not exactly fine and dandy either.

The thing is, Yorkies are prodigious barkers. And while barking is a natural and normal form of communication for dogs, Yorkies take it to extremes. 

Most start vocalizing when they’re a couple of weeks old. At that stage, their little whimpers and cries are basic expressions of need. Other breeds do exactly the same thing.

The problem with Yorkies is that once they find their voice, they never stop using it. Sometimes it’s appropriate and necessary. They might be in pain, hungry, or in desperate need of a bathroom break.

Other times, it’s not appropriate, and it’s not necessary. It’s just loud. 

While you can’t and shouldn’t try to stop acceptable, normal levels of barking, dealing with constant, unnecessary barking is something you definitely can and should control – for your neighbor’s sanity if not your own.

Before we start looking at some of the reasons Yorkies bark so much (and what you can do to stop it), I’d recommend you do something first. Check out the Dog Calming Code from Dan Abdelnoor over at the Online Dog Trainer.

The program has been specially put together to help teach dogs how to focus, stay calm, and become the masters of their own emotions. For an excitable, super-alert dog like the Yorkie, it’s invaluable. If you can start implementing the tips and techniques Dan explains in the video, you’ll soon start noticing a change for the better.

Here’ the link to take a look: Click Here To Discover How To Finally Stop Your Yorkies Obsessive, Annoying Barking Problem Using A Few Simple Calming Techniques That Take Just Minutes A Day To Apply… Even If You’ve Tried & Failed Before!

(video will open in a new window)

dog barking video

Why Do Yorkies Bark?

When a Yorkie barks because it’s 12 o clock and you still haven’t given them their breakfast, it’s understandable. They’re hungry and giving you a gentle reminder of your duties. 

But when they bark from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep, it’s far from understandable. At least to us. To them, it’s probably perfectly obvious.

So, why exactly do Yorkies bark so much? Let’s take a look.

They’re on Constant Alert

Yorkies have a very specific shape and positioning to their ears, something that makes them excellent guard dogs but terrible nap companions.

This is a breed that hears everything. Even the tiniest little disturbance that would go completely unnoticed by anyone with human ears sounds like trouble to them. 

Obviously, if they sense a disturbance in the force, they’re not going to keep it to themselves. That would be irresponsible, right? 

So they shout to let you know. The fact you couldn’t give a monkeys is neither here nor there to them. 

They’re Anxious 

Yorkies have more courage than any dog who weighs less than a bag of sugar has a right to. But like every dog, they’re not immune to feeling the occasional pang of fear or anxiety.

Most of the time, this happens when a dog hasn’t been properly socialized.

Pups need to be gently and carefully introduced to a wide range of people, places, situations, and environments from a young age. If they aren’t, they’re likely to get anxious and frightened whenever they encounter something new as adults. 

But even properly socialized dogs can develop phobias and fears. Sometimes, the reason is obvious (they’ve been attacked by another dog on a walk, for example). Sometimes it’s not.

Whether you know the reason for your dog’s fear or not, the symptoms are likely to be the same: a puffed out chest, a rigid stance, bared teeth, and an endless volley of barks – all designed, of course, to make the scary thing turn on its heel and run for the hills.

They’ve Got Separation Anxiety

Yorkies love people. Love them so much, in fact, they can’t bear to be parted from them.

That may sound cute, but the consequences are anything but. 

Separation anxiety resulting from a Yorkie being left home alone, even for short durations, can lead to extreme stress, destructive behaviors, and constant, unrelenting barking. 

Related Post: How To Calm A Dog With Separation Anxiety In 3 Simple Steps

dog on leash

They’re Territorial

When most of us hear mention of territorial dogs, we think of Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Dobermans… big, brawny dogs built to serve and protect.

What we don’t naturally think of is a 5lb Yorkie. Yet Yorkies could give even a Bull Mastiff a run for its money in the territorial stakes… and frequently will if they dare set foot on their patch. 

Like most terriers, Yorkies will bark and scrap at anything they perceive as a threat to their territory or possession. They don’t know their barking is more annoying than it is threatening. To them, it’s their number one defense against anyone or anything that doesn’t respect their turf rules. 

They’re Over Excited

If you’ve had your dog for more than a minute or two, you’ll know Yorkies and excitement go together like love and marriage. If they can get through half an hour without getting into a lather over something, count yourself lucky. 

Finding the joy in life is all well and got, but when a snowflake or a sunbeam is enough to result in a 30-minute barking frenzy, it gets old… fast. 

They’re Bored

Some people make the mistake of thinking that tiny = sedentary. It doesn’t, at least in a Yorkie’s case.

Despite being small, they still need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to keep boredom at bay. If you’re not providing them with at least 2 x 20-minute walks a day and a play session in between, they’re going to get het up, pent up, and very, very loud. 

They’re in Pain

Horrible though it is to think of your dog being in pain, it happens, and when it does, it can result in all kinds of out-of-character behavior.

If your Yorkie’s barking problem is a new development, they might have sustained an injury or developed an illness that’s causing them to act out.

Hearing/vision loss, cognitive dysfunction, dementia, or even just a thorn in their paw can all make your Yorkie distressed, uncomfortable, and prone to barking if they’re touched or disturbed.

how to stop a yorkie from barking

How to Stop a Yorkie from Barking

Eliminating barking altogether isn’t the end goal here. And it’s never going to happen, even if it was.

Dogs bark for all sorts of reasons, many of which are too important to try and stamp out. They might be alerting you to danger, telling you they need food, or asking for a trip to the bathroom.

That kind of barking is fine. It’s normal. It’s needed.

What’s neither fine nor needed is the constant, unnecessary barking your Yorkie might be engaging in even as we speak.

It’s that kind of barking that’s the problem and that kind of barking that needs to be bought under control.

How do you do it? 

To start, take a few minutes out of your day to sit down and watch this short video from the Dog Calming Code.

It won’t do the actual training for you. But if you follow the tips and techniques Dan demonstrates, you’ll be left with a much calmer, much more controlled Yorkie who’s ready and willing to follow your lead on some of these tried and tested training strategies.                                                                                                              

Do Some Detective Work

Not all problems are the same, and not all problems need the same treatment.

So take a minute to think about the wider context. 

  • Does your Yorkie tend to bark around other dogs but not at people? 
  • Or do they bark at anyone and anything that comes through the front door?
  • Is the barking a recent problem, or have they been barking from the moment they were born? 
  • If it’s a new development, have you noticed any other changes in the behavior that could suggest an injury or illness? 
  • Are they quiet when you’re home but a wailing banshee when you’re not?

The more you can figure out about their motivation, the better chance you have of tackling the problem.

Remove their Triggers

If territorial behavior is behind your Yorkie’s refusal to shut up, a few simple steps could reduce the problem drastically. 

If they spend all day at the window barking at everyone who passes by, simply draw the blinds.

If they like to patrol the yard terrorizing anyone who dares come close, block their view with a solid fence.

Neither of these things will stop your dog from being territorial, but they will at least stop you from being deafened by the consequences of it.

Related Post: Crate Training A Yorkie – Getting It Right The First Time

yorkshire terrier looking up

Practice Positive Reinforcement

Tempting though it is to add to the cacophony with some choice words of your own, try not to react to your Yorkie’s barking. The more times they get a reaction to their behavior (even if it’s of the negative sort), the more inclined they’ll be to keep doing it. 

Instead, use methods that reward them for the kind of behavior you want to see more off. For instance, you might want to try teaching them the word “Quiet” using treats and tricks to tempt them.

Next time they start barking, wait for them to stop, even if it’s just to draw a breath. Say “Quiet” and give them a treat. 

Keep doing it until they learn both the meaning of the word, and the rewards of obeying it. 

Be a Leader

A Yorkie is a strong-willed, headstrong little dog that likes to get what it wants, when it wants it. 

If they feel they can order you around by barking, they’re going to do it. The only way to stop it is to become a leader.

Obviously, being a leader doesn’t mean you have to shout and scream and scold. If anything, it’s the opposite. 

Leaders are calm, they’re controlled, they’re consistent. They apply rules, and they follow through with them.

Teach your Yorkie that you’re the one wearing the trousers. If they’re barking for a game, a treat, or anything else, simply ignore the behavior until they’ve stopped. 

Once they do, that’s the time to reward and praise. 

Give Them Something to Do

Yorkies are high-energy dogs that are always on the lookout for entertainment. If they don’t find enough of it, they’ll get overworked, overheated, and overloud. 

Make sure you give them an outlet for all their energy by providing them with plenty of exercise, plenty of fun, and enough interactive games and toys to keep them out of mischief. 

The busier and more engaged a Yorkie is, the quieter they’ll be. 

Teach Them Emotional Control

All dogs can become victims to their emotions at some point, few more so than the Yorkie. This is a breed that has plenty to spare. While that’s lovely, it’s not always conducive to a quiet home life. 

If you’d like to see your Yorkie adopt a more mature, more controlled approach to life, take a few minutes to check out the Dog Calming Code.

If you can implement the training methods you’ll learn about, you’ll be one step closer to a calm dog and some much-needed hush.

dog with ball in mouth

Closing Thoughts

If you’re reading this post, you’ll already be aware of how much noise a Yorkie can make. In all likelihood, so are your neighbors.

You’ll never silence them completely (and why would you even want to?), but you can make sure that when they bark, it’s for a good reason. 

All of that out-of-control, crazed barking that’s going on right now doesn’t need to be the future. 

If you can…

  • Work out the cause
  • Remove their triggers
  • Reward the good and ignore the bad
  • Lead, not follow
  • Add some distractions
  • Encourage emotional control

…you’ll be well on your way to a quieter Yorkie and a happier you.

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