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How To Stop Dog Anxiety – The Quick & Easy Way

anxious dog

If you’re googling ‘how to stop dog anxiety’ with ever-increasing desperation, I hear you. As do the thousands of other owners facing the exact same problem. 

Dogs might become anxious for different reasons, but all those reasons have one thing in common – they’re upsetting. Not to mention stressful.

Even if the anxiety is mild and infrequent, it’s worrying to think about what could be troubling your dog. And if that same anxiety stops being so mild… well, that just makes matters much worse.

Now for the good news. If your dog’s anxiety is starting to become an issue, it can often be managed effectively before it escalates into anything more serious. 

The trick with most things doggy related is: 

a) establishing the root cause, 

b) early intervention, and 

c) consistency

The good news is that there is a very specific way you can teach your dog to remain calm in any situation that triggers unwanted anxiety.

Better still, it has nothing to do with outdated and often forceful training methods. And instead, involves a few tried and tested calming techniques that will make your dog highly responsive and relaxed.

Now, I can’t take all the credit for these exercises because the truth is, I actually picked them up from Doggy Dan’s free copy of “My Everyday Dog Training Tools” over at The Online Dog Trainer.

But over the years, these specific exercises have proven themselves time and time again when it comes to reducing unwanted anxiety.

Better still, they take just minutes a day to apply.

Anyway, if you want to see what these techniques are, and how they can calm your bundle of joy from a life of anxious behavior, go ahead and click the link below to grab your free copy.

Here’s the link to take a look: Click Here To Grab Your Free Copy Of My Everyday Dog Training Tools & Discover How To Quickly Stop Unwanted Anxiety Using Simple, Highly Effective Calming Exercises That Take Just Minutes A Day To Implement!

My Everyday Dog Training Tools

Why Is My Dog So Anxious?

In some ways, anxiety is the most natural thing in the world. Ultimately, it’s a form of protection to keep us safe.

But while we do our best to hide our insecurities and fears, dogs tend to wear them right there on their sleeve.

The problem, however, it’s not always easy to pinpoint the source of the anxiety.

And therein lies the problem.

The odd fright here and there from a car backfiring or a firework in the distance may be a little scary, but it’s not necessarily the cause of your dog’s anxiety.

But a dog that goes into emotional overdrive the moment they step out of their comfort zone is a cause for concern. And that’s when the problems start.

That said, treating your dog as an individual by figuring out the root cause of their behavior is going to be crucial in determining the right modification technique.

For instance, a dog with separation anxiety, for example, may need to be treated quite differently from a dog who’s scared to socialize with other dogs.

So before jumping to the solution, take a moment to consider what could be motivating your dog’s behavior.

Some of the most common reasons include:   

They’re Scared of Being Alone

Most puppies and young dogs don’t want to be cuddled all day long. They want to play.

However, if your dog prefers to spend their time curled up at your feet or sitting on your lap. It could be a sign of early-onset separation anxiety.

Do anything to distress your dog (leave the room, go to work, even take a short bathroom break, etc.), up goes the stress levels in your dog.

Behavior like this has nothing to do with them being obsessed with you. They’re simply afraid of being left alone.

why is my dog scared of me

They Haven’t Been Socialized 

If your dog gets nervous around other people or dogs, it could be a sign that they’ve not been properly socialized.

If dogs aren’t exposed to a wide variety of people, pets, and situations from an early age. They won’t be able to handle being around anything unfamiliar. 

Unfortunately, this can lead to unwanted displays of anxiety.

It’s a Habit 

Sometimes, anxiety is part and parcel of being a dog. They don’t necessarily understand what they’re so afraid of.

Typically, they think that hiding away from anyone or anything that’s in front of them is the best way to deal with new situations.

Some owners are happy enough to let the behavior continue – after all, most of the time anxiety isn’t exactly dangerous. 

The problem however is that MOST of the time doesn’t mean ALL of the time.

And if the behavior isn’t corrected, it could soon escalate into unwanted displays of aggression toward anyone your dog feels is a threat.

This is also where the techniques Dan discusses inside “My Everyday Dog Training Tools” really come in handy.

Not only will you learn how to eliminate unwanted behaviors, but you’ll also discover simple, highly effective calming exercises to keep your dogs anxiety in check.

So if you haven’t had a chance to take a look, now would be the time…

Here’s The link to take a look: Click Here To Grab Your Free Copy Of My Everyday Dog Training Tools & Discover How To Quickly Calm Your Dog And Stop Unwanted Anxiety… Even If You’ve Tried & Failed Before!

My Everyday Dog Training Tools

How to Calm An Anxious Dog

Before dealing with your dog’s anxiety, you need to identify the root cause.

Although any kind of nervous behavior needs to be addressed, different motivations need different treatment.

Consider factors like your dog’s age, whether the anxiety is generalized or happens only around guests, and whether your dog displays any other behaviors like barking or aggression.

When it comes to training, you need to think about the big picture. It might be upsetting when your dog gets scared and hides away guests or strangers. But remember, the problem is the anxiety, nothing more.

If you want to address the problem, you need to address the problem, period. 

Remember, dogs respond to consistency. So be mindful to keep working on discouraging negative behaviors and encouraging positive ones.   

Avoid Provocative Games

If a dog becomes anxious during playtime or around others, finding a safe outlet for their energy is crucial.

Avoid playing games that could suddenly scare your dog. And stick to games that allow them to feel comfortable and express themselves without going overboard.

In time, you can slowly work on introducing them to new and exciting stimuli while encouraging more active socialization.

Avoid Negative Punishment 

If your dog suddenly becomes anxious, don’t use punishment as a corrective method. 

This means no yelling, no slapping, and nothing that could hurt or frighten your dog. 

Not only does behavior like this make your dog scared of you, but it also risks turning anxious behavior into aggrresion.

puppy in blanket

Get Them Checked Out 

If your dog has only recently started getting anxious, and if it’s accompanied by any other out-of-character behavior, something might be wrong.

If you’ve any reason to suspect a health issue could be to blame for their behavior, get them checked out by a vet as soon as possible.

Win Your Dogs Mind

Here’s one of the most important lessons that can be summed up in a few simple words…

…” It’s about winning your dog’s mind first”

See, dogs come in all shapes and sizes.

Some are naturally mild-mannered and calm…

…Some can be a little overbearing at times.

…And some are just downright Crazy with a capital “C”

But the one thing they all have in common is they follow the pack leader.

Now, if you’re one of the lucky few, your dog may already see you as the pack leader.

Other times, it may a little time and effort to steer them in the right direction.

And if you’re one of the very unlucky ones (as many are), getting your dog to calm down is about as easy as getting a toddler to take a nap after 6 cans of Redbull.

But no matter what your situation, getting your dog on the path to success will always come down to the same thing…

…Winning their mind.

Flashback to when I was a young inexperienced puppy parent.

It was one of the most stressful times of my life.

And here’s the thing…

It wasn’t that I was applying the wrong training techniques to my pup’s routine.

Far from it…

It was because I was missing the critical step of winning his mind first.

Once I got my head around this, everything instantly fell into place.

This is also why it’s a HUGE MISTAKE to train your dog without first getting to grips with this one core principle.

Now, instead of just giving you a few tips and sending you on your way. I think it would benefit you much more if I were to give you something actionable that you can start using immediately to see results.

So with this in mind, go ahead and grab your free copy of “My Everyday Dog Training Tools”

I’m confident that if you not only read the book but actually follow the advice Dan provides, you’ll start to notice the immediate effect it has on your dog’s behavior for the better.

FREE BOOK: Click Here To Grab Your Free Copy Of My Everyday Dog Training Tools & Discover How To Finally Calm Your Dog And Stop Unwanted Anxiety… Without Wasting Hours Training Them Or Spending Thousands Of Dollars

My Everyday Dog Training Tools

Final Thoughts 

In a lot of cases, anxiety is neither the fault of the dog nor the owner. But that doesn’t mean it’s something to be ignored.

The sooner your dog learns to stay calm and control their emotions, the better. 

Not only does it decrease the risk of anxious behavior turning into something more serious down the line. But it also makes it way less stressful moving forward.

Find the root cause and apply the solution. That might be easier said than done, but with a hefty dose of consistency and patience, you’ll get there. 

Want To Learn 5 Simple Exercises You Can Use RIGHT NOW To Stop Your Dogs Unwanted Anxiety Problem?

Let me ask you this…

  • Does your dog become scared, anxious, or nervous in a variety of situations?
  • Do they constantly hide away from anything unfamiliar?
  • Are they afraid to socialize with other people or dogs?
  • Want to learn a quick and easy way to calm them down?

If you’ve answered YES to any of the above, then you need to grab yourself a FREE copy of “My Everyday Dog Training Tools” From Doggy Dan…

My Everyday Dog Training Tools

Click Here To Grab Your Free Copy Of “My Everyday Dog Training Tools!

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