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How To Stop My Dog From Peeing On The Carpet – Quick & Easy Solution

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dog marking in house

If you were to google “how to stop my dog peeing on the carpet”, you’d more than likely come across dozens of pages that highlight the same old rehashed methods on potty training.

You’ll often come across generic answers like…

  • Take your dog outside regularly
  • Look out for warning signs they need to pee
  • Or even, interrupt your dog in the act

And while theses specific methods will go someway to teaching your dog NOT to pee on the carpet. The reality is that the issue can often be a lot more complex than just applying the basics over and over again.

Now, if you’ve landed on this page then I can safely assume that you’re at your wit’s end dealing with cleaning up the mess on your once clean carpet.

And I can also assume that you’d be willing to do anything short of robbing a bank to stop it happening again.

Which begs the question: “what can you do to quickly resolve the issue?”

Well, other than telling you about the same solutions that you’ve probably heard a million times. Today I going to take things in a slightly different direction and actually show you a series of simple, easy to learn exercises that will make your dog highly responsive to a point where they actually choose to obey you.

And the best part is that once your dog is in this highly responsive state, teaching them how to NOT pee on the carpet becomes relatively simple.

It’s a technique I picked up a few years back from Dan Abdelnoor. And if there’s one thing that certain is if you apply what Dan teaches in the short video below, you’ll be well on your way to having a well-trained, obedient dog that doesn’t defile the carpet.

Oh and just to be crystal clear, this isn’t some miracle cure for solving the issue. You’re gonna have to be willing to put in a little groundwork with your dog to see any permanent, lasting changes.

But if you’re ready to learn the simple techniques needed to stop your dog peeing on the carpet. Then this might be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Anyway, here’s the link to the video so you can take a look: The Easy Way To An Obedient Dog

(Video will open in a new window)

easy way to an obedient dog free video course

Why Is My Dog Peeing on the Carpet?

To most, a dog peeing is one of the most frustrating things about owning a dog. One reason being that urine tends to have an unpleasant smell due to ammonia composition.

Hence, the need for toilet training. But potty training tends to be both interesting and intimidating. It is something that needs to be done right from the first day.

However, even trained dogs can accidentally spray in the house. The urine odor gets worse when it lands on the carpet. It becomes challenging to get rid of it.

If you are looking for new solutions to deter your dog from peeing on the carpet, you have come to the right place.

The first thing is to figure out why your canine friend is peeing in the house. Second, identify ways on how to stop the dog from peeing on the carpet.

So let’s cut to the chase and discuss possible causes of inappropriate urinary behavior among canine pals:

Urinary Issues

Urinary tract infections tend to make dogs experience inappropriate urination in the house. This issue normally makes canines experience the frequent urge of peeing.

Therefore, you need to take your Fido to a professional vet before getting annoyed. The test and diagnosis will help to figure out the exact cause of inappropriate peeing.

If the result turns out positive, then the vet will administer antibiotics to help combat the issue as soon as possible.

Other possible causes of urinary issues are structural abnormalities, tumors, bladder stones, and the bladder’s inflammation.

The good news is that most of these urinary health complications can be treated. Hence, there is no need to get worried.

Aging Dogs

Puppies are popularly known for peeing on the carpet during house training. But this is normally accidental.

On the other hand, old dogs suffering from dementia can make things even worse. The condition tends to make them forget all the potty pieces of training.

However, the condition can easily be managed by supplements and diet. Besides that, I’d recommend using doggie diapers to prevent your dog from peeing on the carpet.

Getting a professional veterinarian is the best solution since senior dogs are prone to experiencing several health problems that stimulate the frequent urge of peeing.

Behavioral Problems

Dogs facing behavioral problems have the habit of spraying anywhere in the house and even outside. This is a common behavior among male dogs.

Sex hormones typically drive the marking. The behavior later becomes a habit, and this makes the dog continue marking even on the carpet.

Fear or Stress

dog peeing on grass

Also, fear might make your canine friend urinate inappropriately. The stress hormone accumulates in excess when your dog feels intimidated.

We recommend examining the current situation at home and determine any source of stressors in the environment.

Change in Environment

Moving to a new home with your furry friend may require extra potty training. The new environment might intimidate your canine friend. Hence, end up relieving himself in unaccepted places.

We recommend doing extra toilet training from the outdoors. Familiarization with the change will help reduce the cases peeing indoor and soiling the carpet.


Puppies are the common victims of experiencing loose bladder control when excited. The issue may outgrow your furry friend and retain the tendency of peeing when excited.

Hence, there will be a high chance of soiling your carpet when playing with your dog. It is advisable to minimize tickling the dog to reduce over-excitement.

Improper Cleaning

dog peeing on carpet

Carpets with accidental old pee odor will make the dog not inclined to pee again. Deep cleaning the carpet is the best solution to combat the problem.

The good news is that several cleaners in the market can permanently eliminate the pee stain.

Hence, the dog will be less inclined to pee on the same spot again. If the behavior continues, then you have no option but to take the carpet out.

Type of Dog Breed

Some dog breeds are quite difficult to house train. Therefore, you need to be quite careful when initially choosing a pet dog.

Some of the common offenders are bulldog, pug, chow, beagle, Yorkies, Jack Russel terrier, and Chihuahuas, among many others.

Keep in mind that toy breeds and terriers are the worst offenders. They are the most difficult breeds to potty train.

Lack of Potty Training

Those dogs that frequently pee on the carpet intentionally or accidentally are those that are not trained.

House training dogs is both an exciting and intimidating experience among pet owners. The process tends to take a couple of months before the canine friend understands the key concepts.

Changes in Routine

Leaving your furry friend alone than usual due to changes in the job routine tends to make him develop separation anxiety abruptly.

The dog’s body also fails to adjust to the new routine, which makes him restless. The canine ends up peeing anywhere in the house in the long run.

I’d recommend taking the dog to daycare or hire a dog walker. This will help reduce the cases of inappropriate urination on the carpet.

WATCH VIDEO: Discover How To Quickly & Easily Stop Your Dog Peeing On The Carpet Using A Simple, Effective Training Method That Has Your Dog Choosing To Obey You… Everytime!

(Video will open in a new window)

easy way to an obedient dog free video course

How to Stop My Dog from Peeing on the Carpet

Stopping your canine friend from inappropriate urination on the carpet is not an easy thing. It is something that requires determination and persistence.

Here are the possible techniques for stopping your dog from peeing on the carpet, whether intentionally or accidentally. The tips include:

Staying Positive

Potty training concepts are difficult for animals to understand. We recommend using positive reinforcement so that the canine friend can have a full understanding.

It is advisable to stay away from yelling since this will not help at all. Instead, it will make the entire process even more difficult.

Remove the Smell

Dogs have the habit of urinating at the same spot over and over. If the poodle urinated on the carpet accidentally, then you need to remove the smell immediately.

The best solution is using a strong concoction to clean the carpet to get rid of the pee stain. The absence of the pee odor on the carpet will help eliminate the issue.

Interrupt the Act

If you happen to get your furry friend peeing on the carpet, we recommend making a loud noise. This will help stop the dog from peeing in the house again.

It isn’t advisable to punish him while caught in the act. But rather take him outside and give him a treat when the job is finished.

Take Your Dog Outside Regularly

If your canine friend has the habit of peeing inside the house, then plan a routine to regularly take them outside.

You can set a timer as a reminder, let your dog pee outside, then reward them heavily with their favorite treat.

Use A Deterrent

Some dog breeds are difficult to potty train. Hence, there is a high chance of them eliminating anywhere in the house.

The use of a deterrent happens to be the best solution. You can put a few drops of diluted vinegar or lemon juice on the carpet.

The dog will be able to recognize the smell and cease to pee on the carpet. If possible, spray the solution indoors.

Get a Professional Potty Trainer

If you can’t potty train your canine friend, it is advisable to hire a professional trainer. The process will take longer but will yield results in the long run.

The trainer will identify potty training styles that will suit the needs of your poodle. Keep in mind that potty training is extremely expensive.

Identify the Trigger

Try to identify if something is triggering your canine friend to pee inside. We recommend getting rid of the stimulus if possible.

The best option is using a white noise machine in the house, especially when there is a loud noise from outside. This will make the dog get used to noise and pee outside without fear.

Watch the Peeing Signs

dog looking for somewhere to pee

Dogs normally show some signs when they are about to pee or spray. It is advisable to be on a watch and spot some signs of peeing.

Sniffing and cocking legs while moving in circular motions are some of the common signals. So I recommend taking the dog outside and monitoring them until they finish their business.

Use Simple Voice Commands

Scolding a dog while eliminating will not help. The best thing is using a simple voice command like get off the carpet.

However, this should start earlier during the potty training class. The trick will help keep the dog away from the carpet.

Ensure the voice command is firm but gentle. Besides that, please do not allow your friends to give your dog orders since it will confuse him.

Seek Medical Assistance

Frequent dog peeing could be as a result of urinary tract infection. It is advisable to seek medical assistance from a veterinarian.

The vet will diagnose culture through testing and administer antibiotics to resolve the urinary health problem. Sometimes the dog might undergo surgery in case of losing the bladder.

In Conclusion

Potty training and re-training is a daunting experience among many dog owners. It is a process that requires ultimate patience and time.

The best option is hiring a dog potty trainer. Keep in mind that investing in a trainer is extremely expensive, but worth the value of your money.

Also, you can introduce a canine friend to doggie diapers. It is an effective and efficient idea to those dog breeds that prove difficult for potty training.

Besides that, you need to identify the possible causes of a dog peeing on the carpet and other unacceptable places in the house.

Sometimes medical issues could be the reason behind frequent elimination on the carpet. Seeking medical assistance from a professional veterinarian is another best solution.

However, you can still use the above tips on stopping your dog from peeing on the carpet. Those tips have been tested and proven to be quite effective.

WATCH VIDEO: Discover How To Quickly & Easily Stop Your Dog Peeing On The Carpet Using A Simple, Effective Training Method That Has Your Dog Choosing To Obey You… Everytime!

(Video will open in a new window)

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