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The Ultimate Guide To Potty Training A Puppy At Night!

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If you want to learn the ins and outs of potty training a puppy at night, then I hear you, as do the thousands of other stressed-out puppy owners dealing with the exact same issue.

Ultimately potty training comes with its fair share of challenges.

Because while some pups will take to potty training like a duck to water, others will be a little more, shall we say, problematic.

Worse still, waking up each morning to find your puppy has turned the carpet a darker shade of yellow or downloaded the contents of their bowels on the floor probably isn’t what you had in mind when you bought the little guy home.

And while accidents, stress, and lack of sleep are just a few of the many things you’re gonna have to deal with in the coming months, it’s by no means impossible to get a handle on the situation with the right plan of action.

The first step? …watch the short video below from Dan Abdelnoor over at The Online Dog Trainer.

During the video, Dan goes into great detail on the puppy training process and discusses why some of the more common training methods ultimately set you up to fail. He then goes on to reveal a powerful technique that takes just minutes a day to implement to get your puppy full potty trained in the shortest time possible.

So watch the video, apply what Dan teaches to your pup’s routine, and you should see a massive improvement in their toileting habits (and behavior) for the better.

Here’s the video link to check it out: Click Here To Discover How To Finally Potty Train Your Puppy Through The Night, Using A Powerful Training Technique That Takes Just Minutes A Day To Apply!

(video will open in a new window)

puppy video

When To Start Potty Training

Before we jump right into the right way and wrong way of potty training a puppy at night, I should stress that your puppy should be at least 8 weeks old before you even consider training the little bundle of joy.


Puppies under 8 weeks old are simply too young and do not nearly have the bladder control, attention span, or even the willingness to learn during these first weeks of existence.

So I’m afraid it’s a no go, my friend.

The Difference Between Day And Night Potty Training

If you think there’s no difference between potty training a puppy at night to puppy training a puppy in the day then let me just hit you with a dose of reality.

Potty training a puppy at night is significantly harder than training a puppy in the day.

Think about it.

In the day you’re…

Completely awake and focused on the task at hand.

Your puppy is more alert and capable of giving you the signal as and when he needs to go.

You’re less cranky in the day then you would be waking up in the middle of the night to take your puppy outside to pee.

All of the above will ultimately contribute to fewer accidents during the day causing you far less hassle and frustration.

Plus it’s just an almighty pain getting up in the night, especially when your puppy misses the mark and you end up having to scrub the carpet clean at 3 o’clock in the morning.

Aren’t puppies fun?

puppy potty training at night

Difficulties Of Potty Training A Puppy At Night

In the day, puppies can rarely hold their bladder for more than 2 hours.

At night this can be extended to maybe 4 hours depending on your puppies pre-bedtime routine.

Although this sounds like a win you need to remember that you’re gonna have to get up at least once in the middle of the night, every night for at least a few months.

I quick tip I would recommend though is crate training your puppy.

You see, dogs and puppies won’t soil where they sleep. At least not on purpose anyway.

So crate training your puppy is a great little trick you can use to not only help your puppy learn bladder control, but also give them a safe and comfortable place to sleep at night.

Ideally in the same room as you though, at least for the first few weeks.

The Ultimate Guide To Potty Training A Puppy At Night

So here’s where we get down to business.

Below I’m gonna roll off my ultimate list of tips, tricks, and secrets to potty training a puppy at night that will leave both you and your puppy ready to take on the world.

Let the madness begin…

Pre Bedtime Routine

So first and foremost, you MUST avoid giving your puppy food or water at least 2 hours before bedtime.

I know I’ve mentioned this a few times already but I really need to make sure this sinks in.

Puppies can’t hold their water for more than 2 hours at the best of times.

And after taking in any type of food or water, this time is significantly decreased to around 15-20 minutes.

It’s not rocket science but I really can’t stress enough how important this is for both you and your puppy to get through the night with minimal interruption.

Of course in rare circumstances, this may not be possible. For instance, if your puppy is taking any medication or any other reason to regularly need water.

But other than that it’s a big no-no.

WATCH VIDEO: Discover How To Finally Potty Train Your Puppy Through The Night, Using A Powerful Training Technique That Takes Just Minutes A Day To Apply!

(video will open in a new window)

puppy video

Make Sure They Go Before Bedtime

Before you settle down for the night you need to make sure that bladder is good and empty.

It’s only a matter of time before he’ll need to go again but the more your puppy eliminates before hitting the sack the better.

It’s also worth noting that your puppy is far less likely to wake as many times during the night if he’s been fully exercised.

So before bedtime, it’s a good idea to take him for a walk, play in the garden, or simply play a game of fetch.

Trust me, it’ll stop him unnecessarily waking in the night and should cut down on the total amount of bathroom breaks he needs during sleepy time.


If you really want to get things off on the right foot then you really need to keep your puppy in close proximity.

Especially at night.

Being close to you in a warm, safe, and calm environment is going to help your puppy feel relaxed and at ease.

If you’re training the little guy using puppy pads or a litter tray then try to keep these as close as possible to the area where he sleeps to avoid any unwanted accidents.

Of course the older he gets you can slowly but surely start moving these items further and further away until they’re in the place where you actually want your puppy to do his business.

Even if you plan on taking your puppy outside, I’d still recommend keeping a few pads or a tray handy just in case time is of the essence and you have no other choice.

And lastly, don’t let your puppy sleep in the evening.

If you do then by the time bedtime rolls around your puppy’s gonna be wide awake by and a constant nuisance as you start approaching bedtime.

Learn Your Puppies Schedule

Like babies, puppies generally settle into a routine within a couple of weeks.

But the thing you need to remember is to constantly improve on that routine week by week until finally, you get your puppy exactly where they need to be with their potty training.

So first things first…

If you teaching the little critter to go potty outside then I highly recommend setting an alarm around the time your puppy usually goes.

Over time, slowly but surely extend the time set between bathroom breaks until your puppy is consistently sleeping through the night with no accidents.

Bear in mind that it can take anywhere up to 4 months for them to sleep through without needing to do their business so you really gonna have to physically and mentally prepare yourself for the long game with this one.

And remember, whatever you do don’t make a full over your puppy when goes potty in the right place.

He’ll only come to expect it and in some cases will start to wake up just for attention.

By all means, praise your puppy in the day if he has a successful potty trip, but when potty training a puppy at night it’s the absolute worst possible thing you can do.

Also, pay attention to any signs that your puppy needs to go.

This can include…

  • Whining
  • Barking
  • Shifting Around Uncomfortably
  • Sniffing the floor
  • Scratching at the door

Accidents Happen

Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that at some point, your puppy will have an accident.

It’s simply not possible to through the entire potty training process without having at least a few slip-ups.

So with that being said, here what to do when your puppy misses the mark.

potty training a puppy at night

Don’t Punish Your Puppy

The very last thing you want to do, and I can’t stress this enough, is to punish or shout at your puppy for failing to go to the potty in the appropriate place.

As pack leader, it is your responsibility to keep a close watchful eye on your pup especially in the first few weeks of training.

Punishment will only lead to puppy developing a negative association with potty training.

If this happens your puppy can be a nightmare to potty train.

They’ll often become scared and confused each and every time they need to go, afraid of what the consequences will be whether they’re successful or not.

It can take months to correct this type of behavior so is an absolute big no-no if you want to make any sort of progress.

Sprays & Odours

Cleaning sprays are a must.

But more importantly, a cleaning spray that completely removes any traces of odor that your puppy leaves behind.


Because the scent of pee or poop will ultimately tell your puppy that that place is where they should be doing their business.

Puppies have an amazing sense of smell and can detect any traces of previous toileting even when you think everything is clean.

That’s why I personally recommend an enzymatic cleaning spray that will guarantee complete removal of any stain or odor in your home.

And when accidents do happen, make sure you clean up ASAP. Because the longer you leave it, the more likely your puppy will associate that particular spot with the bathroom.

Moving Forward

So as you can see, potty training a puppy at night comes with its own set of rules and will provide a challenge for even the most experienced puppy owner.

And if you want a quick and easy solution then I highly recommend you take advantage of Dan’s step-by-step puppy training over at The Online Dog Trainer designed specifically for puppies.

You’ll learn inside potty training secrets including…

  • Setting up the perfect routine so your puppy goes to the bathroom on your schedule
  • How to motivate absolutely any puppy to “go” every time you’re outside
  • How to GUARANTEE potty training success through the night
  • The #1 Secret to getting your puppy to potty in just one place
  • Plus much, much more…

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, the perfect solution to potty training a puppy at night.

There will be ups and downs but the most important thing to remember is consistency and patience.

These things take time but I promise you that by following the steps outlined above, you’ll have a well trained, accident-free puppy in no time.

Do you have any other ways of potty training a puppy at night? Let me know in the comments below…

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