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Why Does My Dog Bark At Other Dogs? – Quickly Solve Any Barking Issue

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I often get emails from some of my readers about specific barking issues. But one particular email that stood out recently was “Why does my dog bark at other dogs”

Now, you’re probably aware, barking is a natural form of communication among dogs.

It’s how they interact, warn, threaten, among many other ways of letting us know what’s wrong.

Most of the time this behavior is seemingly harmless. And things like barking at the mailman or an innocent passerby is how they demonstrate their dominance and establish their territory.

The problem however is when this behavior becomes aggressive, especially towards other dogs and humans.

Not only can barking and lunging at another dog can be problematic. At best, too much barking tends to be annoying aswell.

So if your dog has a habit of barking at other dogs, it’s a good idea to figure out how to calm the behavior before things get out of hand.

So in today’s blog post, I’m going to discuss not only why dogs bark. But also show you a few clever ways to stop this behavior in its tracks.

Let’s get to it…

WATCH VIDEO: Aucklands Top Dog Trainer Reveals How To Quickly & Permanently Stop Your Dogs Obsessive Barking Habits Using 5 Step-By-Step Exercises Proven To Instantly Calm Your Dog…

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Why Do Dogs Bark Excessively?

Dogs will never stop barking. It is a form of communication among our canine pals. Each barking tends to signal something depending on the situation.

Here are some of the possible reasons why dogs bark too much. Keep in mind that excessive barking is a behavioral concern.

Health Problems

Too much barking could be due to pain or a serious health issue. We recommend examining your canine friend whether he has a tender spot somewhere on the body.

The best way is seeking veterinarian assistance. The evaluation and diagnosis will help unveil the reason behind the pain symptom.

The most exciting thing is that barking behavior tends to cease after treatment. Hence, there will be no barking at you and other pets in the house.

Aging Dogs

Aging dogs have the habit of barking excessively. They make a lot of noise without knowing why they are doing so.

Research shows that aging dogs tend to experience canine cognitive dysfunction. It is normally the cause of too much barking.

Besides that, aging dogs are prone to vision impairment, deafness, body aches, and pain. These could be the possible causes of excessive barking.


Fearful dogs tend to voice their concern through barking. It is something that can take place at home or away.

It is a sign of referring to something that frightens the dog. It could be a person, loud noise, a strange situation, and even another dog.


Dogs are territorial creatures. They will always bark when someone new or another dog enters their territory.

These animals have the feeling of possessing a specific area and want to protect it. Dogs have the habit of marking their home, yard, and even their bed.


Dogs are pack animals. This implies that they prefer the company of their owners or family. Leaving them for an extended period could result in separation anxiety.

The loneliness makes the dog bored, and this triggers excessive barking. It happens naturally since they lack mental and physical stimulation.

Seeking Attention

A friendly bark is a sign of greeting. It mostly happens when the dog gets in touch with its owner after a long time of separation.

On the other hand, excessive barking could be due to either seeking attention or a signal the canine pal is hungry.

Watch Video: Aucklands Top Dog Trainer Reveals How To Quickly & Permanently Stop Your Dogs Obsessive Barking Habits Using 5 Step-By-Step Exercises Proven To Instantly Calm Your Dog…

dog barking

But Why Does My Dog Specifically Bark At Other Dogs?

There are thousands of reasons behind why the canine pal bark and lunges at other dogs. Here are some of the best explanations for this behavior since you can’t ask your dog. They include:

Barrier Frustration

Dogs feel stuck when they are on a leash, inside the crate, behind the window and fence. The barrier makes them feel upset when they see another dog roaming freely.

Therefore, the dog will start barking and lunging to get out of the barrier. The barking is typically due to frustration.

Under Socialized

Confining dogs in the yard or crate makes them socialized. These poodles tend to feel extra-nervous when they see other dogs.

Hence, they will bark whenever they see other dogs around. The barking could result in a fight or flight. This happens due to dog reactivity.

Frustrated Greeting

Dogs that have spent most of their time in puppy class, dog parks, and doggie care are quite playful. Hence, they cannot pass another dog on the street politely.

The barking could be a sign of a friendly greeting. The leash could be the reason behind the barking and lunging at the other dog.

Improper Training Techniques

There are different ways on how to train a dog. But most of these techniques can leave your dog barking excessively and lunge at others.

Keep in mind that scolding, spanking, choking, and rolling are the worse techniques of correcting your canine friends.

These techniques tend to make your canine pal bark at other dogs and people. Barking behavior can be problematic.

To Assert Dominance

Many dogs tend to bark to others to assert dominance. This is quite common when a male dog meets one female dog.

The excessive barking is to mark territory and protect the female counterpart from other male dogs. However, this type of barking could result in a serious problem.

We recommend keeping your canine friend from such a fight. Research shows that it could trigger some form of aggressiveness.

Establish Pack Leadership

Dog barking at other dogs is associated with a kind of packing leadership. Some dogs want to portray some form of leadership when they meet others.

This could be the possible reason behind the barking concern. The good news is that it usually lasts for a short period.

Watch Video: Aucklands Top Dog Trainer Reveals How To Quickly & Permanently Stop Your Dogs Obsessive Barking Habits Using 5 Step-By-Step Exercises Proven To Instantly Calm Your Dog…

aggressive dog barking

How to Stop Your Dog Barking At Other Dogs

Excessive dog barking at the owner and other dogs can be annoying. Getting ideal techniques on how to stop this bad behavior is a better option.

Here are the possible recommendations that can help to stop obsessive barking and lunging at other dogs. They include:


Dogs tend to bark at people and even other dogs due to socialization. Research shows that a dog that has positively interacted with others regardless of age tends to bark less.

Therefore, it is advisable letting your canine friend socialize with people and other dogs. This will help reduce excessive and obsessive barking behavior on the street after meeting another dog.


Dogs are playful. Confining them in a crate will result in excessive accumulation of energy. Confined dogs resort to barking as the way of shading the excess energy.

We recommend giving your canine friend adequate mental and physical exercise. A tired dog prefers to relax by sleeping rather than barking.

The best exercise is taking your furry friend for a walk in the street or park. They will be able to meet other dogs and people. Hence, end up getting used to them in the long run.

Toys And Puzzles

Interactive toys are the best option since they tend to keep dogs busy. Besides that, you can keep a treat inside the dog puzzle toy.

Therefore, the furry friend will attempt to devise ways to get the treat inside the puzzle toy instead of barking.

Manage Their Surroundings

The introduction of white noise in the house tends to familiarize the canine. This will help prevent barking in case of any loud noise from outside.

Besides that, ensure you close the house blinders to prevent the dog from having the opportunity to watch other dogs in the backyard.

Consider Proper Training

Curtailing excessive barking is not an easy thing. It is something that requires patience and adequate time.

Research shows that if a dog is known for barking for longer periods usually requires much time to stop this bad behavior.

Therefore, we recommend using a quiet command. This type of command involves using the calm and firm technique to tell the dog to be quiet.

Also, positive reinforcement that involves the use of treats and affection happens to be the best option of curtailing obsessive barking behavior on other dogs.

Position Your Dog Away

Dogs with barking behavior after seeing others are usually triggered by leashing. The dog feels frustrated due to the barrier. Hence, start barking at the other dog.

The best thing to consider is positioning the canine pal away from the other dog. This will help minimize the frequency of barking.

Ignore the Barking

Dogs tend to seek a lot of attention from their owners. If you notice the behavior, then ignore the barking until they stop.

Doing this frequently will help to curtail barking behavior. But you will be expected to exercise a lot of patience.

Consult a Professional Dog Trainer

Dog barking reactivity to family members, strangers, and other dogs can be unsuccessful despite implementing the above techniques.

We recommend seeking assistance from professional dog trainers. They will devise strategies that are compatible with your dog and halt the barking behavior.


Stopping your Fido from excessive barking takes time, work, and patience. It is something that cannot happen overnight since barking is a natural form of communication among canines.

Keep in mind that barking could be due to some reasons. Correcting the barking behavior needs to start from curtailing the stimulus or the causes.

The good news is that there are various techniques to correct the barking behavior without hurting your canine friend.

Most of the tips highlighted in the guide have been tested and proven to be quite effective. Therefore, take the time to read through and implement it.

Sometimes these tips do not apply to every dog breed. We recommend hiring a professional dog trainer.

The dog trainer will enroll your canine friend into a dog reactivity class. Here specific methods will be formulated to suit your Fido and help combat the barking behavior.

So if you are looking for ways to remove excessive and obsessive barking behavior permanently, you need to consult a professional vet.

The veterinarian will organize a surgical procedure to remove the vocal box of your canine friend. However, it is something we do not recommend at all since it will hinder dog communication.

The best option is sticking to the techniques listed in the article and trying to implement them. But it will take a lot of time for your canine friend to get used to barking less to other dogs.

WATCH VIDEO: Aucklands Top Dog Trainer Reveals How To Quickly & Permanently Stop Your Dogs Obsessive Barking Habits Using 5 Step-By-Step Exercises Proven To Instantly Calm Your Dog…

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